School of Engineering and Technology
Department of Industrial and Textile Engineering
Primary Discipline: Clothing and Textiles

Degrees Degrees Awarded: [Note: List highest degree awarded first]

  1. Bachelor of Education (Home science and Technology)(University of Eldoret)
  2. Diploma in Technical Education, Institutional Management – Clothing Technology. K.T.T.C (Kenya Technical Trainers' College)
  3. Diploma in Clothing Technology. M.T.T. I (Machakos Technical Trainning Institute)

Current Professional/Scientific Interests, Memberships, and Activities:

Research, Scholarly, Professional and Scientific Activities

Determination of Calotropis Procera fibre properties and its potential uses in Kenya

Contacts: South Eastern Kenya University (SEKU),
Postal address P.O Box 170-90200, Kitui.
Mobile no. : 0728 616 390
Email :