Prof. Harrison M. K.MAITHYA

Profile Summary

  • Hold PhD. In Social Anthropology from the University of London at University College London (Area: Medical Anthropology);
  • Current position: Director of Linkages and International Programmes and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, South Eastern Kenya University, Kitui;
  • Immediate former Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • High output of scholarly works/publications;
  • Many years of experience in administration, management, and leadership (from Chair of Department, Chair of various Ad Hoc University Committees, Chair of Graduate Studies, Dean of School to current position of Director);
  • Chairman, Makueni Municipal Board;
  • Focal Point Person and Chairman, South Eastern Kenya University Cohesion and National Values Mainstreaming Committee;
  • Trained Mediator and Member of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (CIArb);
  • Served as a member, Selection Panel to Interview Chair Person, Secretary and Members of the Makueni County Public Service Board;
  • Served as a Commissioner, Commission of Inquiry into the Petition to Suspend Makueni County Government;
  • Member and later Chairman, Students Electoral Committee of South Eastern Kenya University;
  • Over 25 years of professional engagement: University teaching, research, consultancy and community service;
  • Extensive research experience in implementing and/or participating in large-scale research projects in a wide range of areas including livelihoods, socio cultural aspects of health and illness, HIV and AIDS, sexuality, childbearing and health, governance, youth and health behaviour change communication, indigenous systems of health care, care provision to AIDS orphans;
  • Successfully supervised and mentored many postgraduate students (PhDs, MAs, MPHs) in various disciplines/specialisations including: Sociology, Gender, Anthropology, Public Health, and International Research Ethics;
  • Attended and presented papers at more than 30 national and international conferences/workshops;
  • Peer reviewed papers for publications;
  • Provided consultancy/research services to both National and International Organizations such as United States Agency for International Development/Education Development Centre Inc. (through EDC, Massachusetts, USA); Department for International Development, UK (through University of Birmingham, UK); The Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV); The World Bank (through National AIDS Control Council (NACC); National Environment Management Authority (NEMA), in a wide range of areas including Education, Governance, Environment, Health, Livelihoods, Youth, HIV and AIDS, Behavior change communication;
  • Experience in international networking and partnerships in research. 


  1. Musila, A. Katee, Harrison Maithya, Jamine Masinde (2019). Social Construction of Retirement among Retired Teachers in Makueni County. International Journal of Research in Sociology and Anthropology Volume 5, Issue 3, PP 1-12, (ISSN 2454-8677).
  2. Musila, A. Katee, Jamine Masinde, Harrison Maithya (2019). Retirement lived challenges experienced by retirees: The case of retired teachers in Makueni County, Kenya. International Journal of Research in Humanities and Social Studies Volume 6, Issue 9, 2019, PP 17-26. ISSN 2394-6288 (Print) & ISSN 2394-6296 (Online).
  3. Wanjiku A Njoki, Harrison Maithya, Felix Kioli (2018). Influence of Postharvest Storage Management Strategies on Postharvest Cereal Loss in Wikililye Location of Kitui County.Journal of Food Security, 2018, Vol. 6, No. x, xx PP. 1- 5.
  4. Rono, Abraham, Harrison Maithya&Bernard Sorre (2018). Culture and Birthing: Experiences from a Rural Community in Western Kenya. Sociology and Anthropology 6(1): 56-63.
  5. Wanjiku A. Njoki, Felix Kioli, Harrison Maithya(2017). Socioeconomic Factors Influencing Household Postharvest Cereal Loss in Wikililye Location of Kitui County. Journal of Sociology, Vol. 5 (9): 1-15.
  6. Pfeiffer Elizabeth J. Harrison M. K. Maithya, Mary. A. Ott. And Kara Wools-Kaloustian(2017). Dangerous Bodies, Unpredictable Minds: HIV/AIDS, Mental Disorders, and Stigma Syndemics in Western Kenya. In Lerman, S., Ostrach, B. and Singer M. (eds) Foundations of Biosocial Health: Stigma and Illness Interactions, pp. 133-156. Lanham. Boulder: New York. London: Lexington Books. (ISBN: 978149852110)
  7. Pfeiffer Elizabeth J. & Harrison M. K. Maithya(2016). Bewitching sex workers, blaming wives: HIV/AIDS stigma, and the gender politics in western Kenya (2016). Global Public Health.
  8. Okemwa G. Pauline, Harrison M. K. Maithya and Ayuku David (2014). Female Genital Cut in Relation to it is Value and Health Risks among the Kisii of Western Kenya. Health, 6, 2066-2080.
  9. Maithya, Harrison and Wendy Taylor (2014), “Wanjiku” and the burden of HIV and AIDS. In Shitemi N. and Kamaara E (eds) Wanjiku: A Kenyan Sociopolitical Discourse,pp.218-239, Nairobi: Goethe-Institut, Native Intelligence, and Jomo Kenyatta Foundation (ISBN: 978-9966-1553-9-9).
  10. Koech, Joan; H.M.K.Maithya and V.M. Muange (2013).The influence of sociocultural factors on communication and women participation in HIV and AIDS campaigns in Kenya. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science, Vol. 3, No. 1.Pp.60 – 66 (ISSN 2220-8488 (Print)
    ISSN 2221 – 0989 (Online).
  11. Kamaara, E; L. Atwoli, H. M.K. Maithya, N.L. Shitemi, G. Nduru, P. Braintein, T. Inui, P. Ayuo, W.K. Folk (2012). Holistic Healing: Use of Traditional Medicine and Complementary Alternative Medicine (TM/CAM) in the Context of HIV/AIDS in Western Kenya. International Journal of Professional Practice. Vol. 3, Issue 4. Pp. 342- 355(ISSN 2218 – 7278).
  12. Nangulu, A.; Shitemi, N.,Maithya, H.M.K. (2011). ‘Improvement Plan, Challenges & Lessons Learnt at Moi University’. In Roberto Escarr’e (ed), Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East African Universities, Pp.25-62. Alicante, Spain: AfriQ’Units.
  13. Nangulu, A.,Shitemi, N. ;Maithya, H.M.K. et al. (2011). ‘Good Practices. Moi University Improvement Action Report: Examinations’. In Roberto Escarr’e (ed), Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in East African Universities, Pp.111-121. Alicante, Spain: AfriQ’Units.
  14. Khaemba, J., H. M.K. Maithya and V. M. Muange (2009). Home-based care service provision for people living with HIV and AIDS in Western Kenya: the sociocultural dimension. MaarifaVol. 3 No. 2 Pp. 129-135. (ISSN1816-4382).
  15. Maithya, Harrison (2009).Sexual and reproductive issues among the Akamba of Kenya: implication for the management of childbearing and STD and HIV/AIDS. Saarbrucken, Deutschland: VDM Verlag Dr. Muller Aktiengesellschaft& Co. KG. Germany. (ISBN978-3-639-16405-3).
  16. Taylor, W. and H.Maithya (2007).Urban families under pressure in Kenya and the impact of HIV/AIDS. University of Birmingham, International Development Department, Birmingham. (ISBN0-7044-2650-1).
  17. Maithya, Harrison M.K. (2007). Sexual health and wellbeing: Evidence from the rural Kamba of Machakos. Journal of Humanities and Sovial Sciences Maarifa, Vol. 2 No.1. Pp. 148 – 155 (ISSN1816-4382).
  18. Maithya, Harrison M.K. (2006). Sociocultural meanings of reproductive processes and wellbeing in a rural community in Kenya. Research Review (New Series) Vol. 22 No. 1. Pp.1-14 (ISSN 085-4412).
  19. Maithya, Harrison M.K. (1996).Medical Pluralism and Primary Health Care: Towards Mental Health Care in a Rural Community in Kenya. In A.B.C. OchollaAyayo and G.E.M. Ogutu, eds. Anthropology, Population and Challenges of Our Time: Programme and Abstracts, 5th Conference of PanAfrican Association of Anthropologists, 15-19 October, 1995 Garden Hotel. Nairobi: ShirikonPublishers,pp.16-17 (ISBN 9966-870-07-5).
  20. Maithya, Harrison M.K. (1996).Mental Health Care in a Pluralistic Health Care System: Some Evidence from the Babukusu of Bungoma District. In Social Behaviour and Health No.3. June, 1996. Pp. 19 – 27.
  21. Akong'a, J. andMaithya, Harrison M.K. (1996). Safe Water Environment in Eldoret Town: the Social Dimension. In Safe Water Environments. InDrengert Jan-Olof, Richard Swinderski and Melvin Woodhouse (eds). Motala: Kanaltrycketriet I Motala A.B. Pp.33-44 (ISBN: 91-7871-715-9).
  22. Elizabeth J. Pfeiffer & Harrison M. K. Maithya. The cultural politics of secrecy during HIV home counselling and testing campaigns in Kenya

Professional/other Reports authored

  1. Nyaoga, Mohammed, Kavuludi, J.M., Gatuguta, E.M., Maithya, Harrison, Nderitu, A. W., Taib Ali Taib(2015) Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Petition to Suspend Makueni County Government. Report presented to HE. Hon. Uhuru Kenyatta, C.G.H. President and Commander in Chief of the Defense Forces of the Republic of Kenya, on 3rd September, 2015.
  2. Maithya Harrison and John Oyore (2014). Mid-term Report on the Implementation of TukoPamoja and Expanded ShugaInterventionsby Impact Research Development Organization (IRDO) on Impact Evaluation Study on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) among the youth in Nyanza. Submitted to National AIDS Control Council.
  3. MuindeFridah, Mercy Khasiani-Omoke and Harrison Maithya, et al. (2013). “Second National Biennial Scientific Research Conference Report: Implications for Policy. Submitted to National Aids Control Council.
  4. Oyore John and Maithya Harrison (2013). Mid term Report on the Progress of Baseline Survey done by Kenya Medical Research Foundation (KEMRI) on Impact Evaluation Study on Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) Among the Youth in Nyanza. Submitted to National AIDS Control Council.
  5. Harrison M.K. Maithya (2013). Chief Rapporteur Report “Second National Biennial Scientific Research Conference Proceedings.” Report submitted to the Kenya National Aids Control Council.
  6. Ash, H., E. Kamaara,H.M.K.Maithya, et al. (2009), September. Report titled “Kenya At - Risk Youth Assessment” – To United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Education Development Centre (EDC, USA).
  7. Mbuvi, J.Maithya, H.M.Ket al., (2008), April. Environmental Impact Assessment Report Technical Advisory Committee (EIA-TAC) Report on the Proposed Tana Integrated Sugar Project (TISP) – To National Environment Management Authority (NEMA).
  8. Maithya, Harrison M.K and O. Egesah, (2006), November. Report on “Local Government Authorities (LGAs) Opinion Survey in Juba, Southern Sudan” – To SNV, Netherlands Development Organization.
  9. Maithya Harrison M.K and Egesah, O. (2006), Data Analysis and Report on “Opinion Poll Survey on Quality of Service Delivery by Eldoret Municipal Council” – To SNV/Eldoret Municipal Council.
  10. Maithya, Harrison M.K. (2005). Report on “Training of Constituency AIDS/HIV Control Committees (CACCs) and District Technical Committees (DTCs), North Rift Region” –To National AIDS Control Council (NACC).

Research experience

  1. 2012- 2017, Research project: Impact Evaluation of Behavioural Change CommunicationAmong the In-School and Out of School Youth (15– 24yrs) in Nyanza, Kenya. Funded by the World Bank through National AIDS Control Council. Role: National Research Consultant
  2. 2009-2015,Researchproject: “Cross-Cultural Histories of Family Care-Giving to AIDS Orphans in Western Kenya” (Together with Jeanette Dickerson-Putman). Funded by Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis. Role: Country Principal Investigator.
  3. 2009,Research project: “Sustainable Quality Culture and Capacity Building in Internal Quality Assurancein East African Universities- Afrique Units.”
    Role: Moi University Research Team Member
  4. 2007-2009, Research project: “The role of Traditional Medicine in the Management of HIV and AIDS in Western Kenya”(Collaborative Research Project between academics from Moi University, Indiana University and Missouri University, Columbia). Role: Co-Principal Investigator
  5. 2004 –2006,Researchproject: “Urban Families Under Pressure in Kenya and Zambia and the Impact of HIV/AIDS.” DFID Funded Research Project.
    Role: Country Co-Principal Investigator
  6. 2005,Research project: “A baseline survey on small and medium-size towns in North Rift and Western Kenya - Part of Small and Medium Scale Urban Centres”. Funded by IFRA (French Government). Role: Researcher
  7. 1999–2000, Research project: “Sexuality, childbearing and HIV/AIDS/STD among the Akamba of Machakos, Kenya”. Role: Researcher (PhD research)
  8. 1998, Methodology workshop on a collaborative study between Family Health International and the Department of Health Management and Health Economics, Moi University. Research Project: Ability and Willingness of Clients to pay (AWTP) for Family Planning Services in Kenya.
  9. 1994, Research project: “Safe Water Environments in Peri-Urban areas of Langas and Huruma in Eldoret Municipality.” Funded through the University of Linkoping, Sweden, Swedish Institute for Infectious Diseases Control, Stockholm, Sweden.
    Role: Field research supervisor.
  10. 1991, Research project: "The Awareness and Management of Mental Illness Among the Babukusu of Bungoma District”. Role: Researcher (M.A research)
  11. 1989, Research project: "HIV/AIDS Infection and Contraceptive Use in Kenya", carried out by Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Nairobi Role: Research Assistant.
  12. 1988, Research project: "Akamba indigenous health care system" - for BA Dissertation. Role: Researcher (B.A research)

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